The Community

Mastering Intraday Options

Welcome to our community focused on one goal: maximizing profitability through options trading. Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and mindset needed to excel in trading. With mentorship opportunities, well-structured trades, and a meticulous approach to risk management that sets us apart, we provide a supportive environment for traders to unlock their full potential.

  • Highly Experienced Traders

    Our Discord community is dedicated to bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Join our community to gain access to collective wisdom, enabling you to learn from the most seasoned traders and expedite your own trading journey.

  • Dynamic Market Updates

    Our Discord community delivers timely market insights, daily premarket watchlists, a premarket plan, and potential trade ideas throughout the day empowering you to make informed decisions and seize profitable opportunities as they arise.

  • No One Does Trading Like Us

    We prioritize a meticulous and well-structured approach to trading. Our community emphasizes effective risk management techniques and strategies that aim to preserve capital until it is the right time to strike.

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Our System

The 4 Pillar Trading System

The trades we take are using setups from our simple but effective 4 pillar system. No lagging indicators, only straight price action which enables us to read the story presented by the charts, bar by bar

Learn More
  • 01

    Trend analysis to identify the market cycle which helps find names worth trading

  • 02

    Candle analysis to determine if there are opportunities within a chart

  • 03

    Level analysis to form thesis and provide risk management reference points

  • 04

    Reactive price action to find specific entries and manage trade